TRPG Trefonen Rural Protection Group
The Trefonen Rural Protection Group works to safeguard the rurality of Trefonen in a way that underpins all that is best in the balance between new housing/land use proposals and a tranquil, productive and beautiful environment. TRPG closely monitors larger scale housing development and land change of use proposals that are considered to be counter to that aim.
Trefonen is a unique rural village with precious and finite resources – requiring continious focus to ensure that any proposed developments do not lead to urban sprawl.
TRPG is a fully constituted local organisation, committed to standing up for the village and its countryside, to protect it from the threats it faces and to shape its future for the better.
The work of Rural Protection extends beyond planning developments and TRPG has expanded activities to include Heritage, History, Archaeology, Wildlife and the Natural Landscape.
TRPG Objectives
The Management Committee works tirelessly to activate the true ideals of localism, by inspiring villagers and others to make known their feelings and views to Governing Bodies involved in the Planning Processes and Decision Making at all levels - Parish, Unitary County and National Government.
The TRPG has directly made strong representations, enhanced by the significant expertise contributed from professionals in other relevant and related organisations. Since its formation in March 2014, the TRPG has established itself as an effective organisation that is respected and recognised as a reputable body.
Membership of TRPG is open to any individual of 18 years of age and older who is interested in helping TRPG to fulfil its Mission and Objectives and who will abide by the TRPG Constitution.
All you have to do is to is complete a Membership Application Form and pay an annual subscription of £5.
If you are interested in becoming a member please email for more information or to request a Membership Application Form. Please complete the form below and press the Send button.
Liability disclaimer
The information contained herein is provided in good faith, and every reasonable effort is made to ensure that it is accurate and up to date. In no event shall TRPG, or its members, be liable for any damage arising, directly or indirectly, from the use of the information contained herein including damages arising from inaccuracies, omissions or errors. Any person relying on any of the information contained herein or making any use of the information contained herein, shall do so at its own risk.